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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

My First Day

Yesterday was my first day as a stay at home dad. When we first got pregnant, we were hoping that Marisa could finally relax a bit from her job as a high powered lawyer, but when MY job fell through, i turned into Mr. Mom. Wait, I've been watching too much Law and Order. Marisa is an enormously underpaid Store Manager of a Gazillion, Bazillion dollar a year coffee chain that will remain nameless. Anyway, as i was saying, before i was so rudely interrupted, I have taken on the role of stay at home dad, which is extremely exciting. Yesterday, our 2 month old boy, we'll call him XAVI, because that's his real name, had 3,184 dirty diapers. I've changed some dirty diapers before, but this time he was showing me his extreme disapproval of mum going back to work. Yes he served me up an all you can handle bonanza of his best mustard soup. I knew that staying at home with a newborn would probably be the hardest thing I've ever done.  I mean, i figured it was going to be tough. Mainly because I'm a guy...The hard part is that I don't have boobs that produce milk...The other hard part is that I can't get anything done, like laundry or the dishes. Just plain forget about mowing the lawn, exercising, showering, or taking a good long man poo. No wonder dads make their kids mow the lawn, rake leaves, go shopping with their mothers, spend their Saturdays doing chores, or helping old people move, go sing at nursing homes, make them be in choir or be on the drill team, or Maybe on the flag team or run cross country if they are really bad....yes,
Dads are paying their children back.


  1. I think you're an incredibly handsome stay at home dad.

  2. that's what my next blog was about!
